Imprint Hidalgo Sattel
HIDALGO Sattel – Office
Dr. Nina Holzer
Galvanistrasse 18
4040 Linz
Oberösterreich /Austria
Inquiries: +49 30 52004 4590
Warehouse and returns - showroom with sales
Freistädterstrasse 421
4040 Linz
Oberösterreich /Austria
Please send your returns to the warehouse address only after consultation!
UID-Nr.: ATU63267057
Bank Details:
IBAN: AT87 1500 0006 5110 2121
Name: Dr. Nina Holzer
Bank: Oberbank AG, Filiale Linz-Dornach, Altenberger Straße 9, A-4040 Linz
Dear customers, please note that only a SEPA transfer is free of charge at most banks. A foreign transfer to third countries is charged to you and us with high fees. If you have any questions, please email us in advance or ask your bank.