Imprint Hidalgo Sattel

HIDALGO Sattel – Office
Dr. Nina Holzer
Galvanistrasse 18 
4040 Linz 
Oberösterreich /Austria

Inquiries: +49 30 52004 4590

Warehouse and returns - showroom with sales 

Freistädterstrasse 421
4040 Linz
Oberösterreich /Austria

Please send your returns to the warehouse address only after consultation! 


UID-Nr.: ATU63267057

Bank Details:
IBAN: AT87 1500 0006 5110 2121
Name: Dr. Nina Holzer
Bank: Oberbank AG, Filiale Linz-Dornach, Altenberger Straße 9, A-4040 Linz

Dear customers, please note that only a SEPA transfer is free of charge at most banks. A foreign transfer to third countries is charged to you and us with high fees. If you have any questions, please email us in advance or ask your bank.

My Hidalgo Profile
